I don't like the look of the common sumac trees that grow like weeds here in NJ. This is probably Rhus glabra but I'm not certain.
But, during the fall, the sumac puts on a brilliantly colorful show and somewhat redeems itself in my eyes. It looks like the colorful pennants or streamers strung around used car lots. That association is unfortunate but I can't think of any other comparison.
Those look beautiful. They really do look like those streamers at car lots.
Hi Vanilla Lotus,
I'm thinking that they look like something else too but just can't put my finger on it. The car lot analogy seems to be too crass even for a tree I usually don't care for. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Ki, they look very pretty, they remind me of peacock feathers.
Hi Ruth,
Yes, now that you've mentioned it, it does look like the feathers on the neck of a male pea fowl.
Very cool.
It would look nice with "spanish flag" morning glories.
Hi Mr. Brownthumb,
I had to look up 'Spanish Flag' Ipomoea versicolor (syn. Ipomoea lobata) and indeed the colors are very similar. It's hard to think of the spanish flag as a morning glory but it is an interesting and brightly colored flower. Thanks for the information and the comment.
I love sumac in the fall, they are the first to turn here in Iowa.
Iowa gardening woman,
I don't like the look of sumac during much of the year. But the fall colors sure look great. They were one of the first to turn here as well. Thanks for stopping by.
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